
The Governing Board

As Governors in a Church of England Primary school we always open our meetings in prayer and close our meetings with The Grace.

Heavenly Father,
May your strength support us in our leadership:
May your grace open our hearts and minds;
May the light of your spirit enter our discussions:
May your wisdom inspire our decisions:
May your mercy bring compassion and understanding
into our relationship with everyone:
May your forgiveness bring us humility
And may Christ’s love be at the heart of all we do.


As a Governing Board we have a code of conduct to follow which we all agree to and sign

St James’ Lanehead Church of England (VA) Primary School Governors

The Governing Board meet at least once a term and visit the school. In consultation with the Headteacher they are responsible for the Finance, Curriculum, Management and Discipline of the school. They have regular full meetings and work with the Headteacher, Diocese and LEA to enable the school to perform its functions.

The Governing Board provide challenge and support to ensure the school is run efficiently and all policies and practices are in line with the trust deed of the school and fulfils statutory obligations. Governors are re-elected every four years.

The Governing Board promote the British Values and Christian values of the school.

In a Voluntary Aided School the Governors are Trustees of the premises. They are responsible for all maintenance, repairs, improvements and extensions. Only major work and improvements attract a 90% grant from the DfE. The remaining 10% and minor improvement costs have to be met by the Governing Body.

Attendance at meetings is paramount and governors are expected to give their voluntary time to the school.

All positions on the Governing Board are currently taken. Please contact the school office or Chair of Governors to register your interest in becoming a Governor in the future. With regards to Parent Governors, these positions require nominations from two fellow parents and the information regarding this is sent out when a position becomes available.


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About Us

St James' LaneheadCofE Primary School

St James’ Lanehead is a Church school with a big heart and a passion for its community. At St James’ Lanehead we all pride ourselves on acting with dignity and integrity.

Let's Connect

St James' Lanehead Primary SchoolBriercliffe Road, Burnley BB10 2NH

Jade BradleySchool Business Manager

01282 426833

Michelle Dugdale | Headteacher

Miss Janine Tracey | SenCo